Welcome to my page! 8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8_v1582023526.png

see tips down below!8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8_v1582021737.png


 I love dogs and horses. a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582021737.png At home, I got an Australian Shepherd, like the ones on the pics above<3 Also, I help out on the farm at home, where we have fjording horses and cowsa4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582023526.png Love animals8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8_v1582023526.png0bcb59b20b3d6ca052d914412ddf00ab_v1582023526.png

I started playing this game in 2011, and played with my friends fron elementary school. Then all of a sudden this year, I remembered the game, and started playing again this spring. Ofc I had forgot my password after all these years, so I started a new account. Also, I started this account on  a international server, instead of the Norwegian one by mistake. But I found it way better to play on this server, because it is so many people playing here, therefore more social and fun!2a1af738d56da555be74920210e2babc_v1582021737.png568c3842c2bcbdd03b18b49a3284e7d5_v1582021737.png

Here on the game, I breed Thoroughbred8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8_v1582023526.png0bcb59b20b3d6ca052d914412ddf00ab_v1582023526.png

(Also, I would like to warn you all against PFAS. It is really dangerous to us and the enviorment, and all use of the substance should be totally banned from the market!25376ca9c38f23811c401c64339ffa93_v1582023526.png25376ca9c38f23811c401c64339ffa93_v1582023526.png

Here is recommended reading about the topic in norwegian: 1:Norwegian health institute
2:Food regulating service in Norway


I live in northern norway, and we very often see northern lights! It is very beautifula4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582021737.png


Game tips: Visit Thunderstrikes page and do the daily tasks linked to win passes and more!

Also Lapis Lazuli post helpful links in their presentation, check them out!a4bc962b6472bd3fac0f915a0ff0c336_v1582023526.png0bcb59b20b3d6ca052d914412ddf00ab_v1582023526.png

Thanks for reading this far<3 Have a nice day!8f0d73882229b1f472cf172ee2f66ad8_v1582023526.png