Welcome to my page!

Relatively new player from The Netherlands
mostly active during UTC+2 school hours :')

I accept friend requests and am always open to chat!
I'm always looking for new horses of all breeds, blupping and breeding new horses
is what I like most in this game!
Especially keen on Appaloosas and Akhal-Teke's (for now :p)
Willing to trade items, just shoot me a message and I'll see what I can do!
Same goes for horses o7

Currently trying to get in the Akhal-Teke leaderboards with my partner!
Current bloodline (see the Takken tab):
- 23832.78 Malinda F. (Starter)
- 24838.51 Molly F./24867.59 Marmer F./24866.50Megeret F.(SOLD!)
- 25349.79 Mops F. /25366.22Mabel F./25365.47 Makker M./25362.46Mark M./

A big Appaloosa fan, owner and breeder of the Top Purebred Appaloosas in the
dressage ranking.
Current bloodline (see the Loosers tab):
- 24457.82Sern F.(Starter)
- 25444.2Kakka F.
- 26204.87Koker F. 1% No.4 Dressage Appaloosa Purebred
- 26634.5Kokb F. 1% No.5 Dressage Appaloosa Purebred

- 26634.5Koka M. 1% (Yet to be blupped)
- 26831.44Koeltas F. 1% No. 2 Dressage Appaloosa Purebred
-26929.1Kosten F. 1% No. 1 Dressage Appaloosa Purebred
- 27057.65Kork F./27057.65Koerier F. (Yet to be blupped)

Horses currently for sale:
- 23611.17 F Akhal-Teke with achilles heel
- Practically every horse from "The other horses" category for a reasonable price

Horses that I have sold:
- 24866Megeret F. (Akhal-Teke)
- 25926Poepie M. (Appaloosa)
- 26204Zodiac M. (Appaloosa)
- 25268Sorn M. (Appaloosa)
- 25926Tor M. (Appaloosa)

Willing to offer private coverings, or join a team, again, just shoot me a message.
I'm not picky o7
My current affixes are:
Cogito, ergo sum (The other horses)
Caelestia (Akhal-Teke's)
Dubito, ergo sum (Appaloosa's)

If I am not responsive on Howrse, you can always find me on these socials:
- Discord: @fenixons
- Reddit: @devfnxs