about me
Call me Bee! I'm 22 from the midwestern US. 

I've been riding nearly my whole life. I've mainly ridden Western, but have dabbled in a bit of everything. I used to compete, but nowadays I mainly just trail ride and do liberty training. My first and heart horse was a wonderful AQHA gelding named Toccoa, and now I have a lovely little pinto pony mutt named Pickles.

I am a professional dog groomer for work, and have lots of spoiled pets; 3 dogs, 4 cats, 5 tarantulas, 2 bearded dragons, 2 snakes, a bullfrog, and a happy community fish tank.

My other interests include reading, pencil/charcoal drawing, music, video games, trading card games, anime, urban exploration, photography, nature, and horror/true crime. 
I am a returning player that has been here on and off since 2012 on various accounts that have since been deleted. I don't consider myself a competitive player. 

I return all congrats that I catch, accept all friend requests, and I'm happy to help with events when I can. 

Thank you to Oʙʟɪᴠɪoɴ for the avatar and Ꮍꭺꮻꭲꮻꮇꭼ for the layout. <3

Frost | Archimedes
Topaz | Topaz | Topaz | Topaz | Topaz 
Xanthos | Xanthos | Xanthos | Xanthos | Xanthos

-of Phyrexia: purebred Curlies
-School of Mensis: purebred Quarter ponies
-the Uruk-Hai: purebred KWPNs
-Beyond Oblivion: purebred Lipizzans
I produce high quality horses by only breeding at full BLUP, fully bolded and avoiding inbreeding.
If you want a covering from any of my stallions, feel free to PM me and I'll be happy to reserve one for 500e. I also offer public coverings for 1000e but I plan to increase that price as the GP of my lines goes up. 


None of my horses are for sale unless listed. I occasionally have extra foals from my breeding projects for sale.
Horses in auction will stay in auction.

I am always looking for horses for my AP farm. If you have any unwanted horses, feel free to reserve them for me - I'll buy them for up to 3000e and pregnant mares for up to 6500e. 

I also have several BMIs that I don't need. PM me if you're looking for something specific. :)