Hi Ya'll!I'm M1N0TAUR, and I'm excited to be playing here with ya'll! I will ALWAYS accept friend requests ( even if you outbid me in auctions

)and if you would like, congratulate me and I will try to congratulate you back!!!
I am in need of aging points!!!!!!!!! And Pass Seeds and Golden APPLES and if you have any spares which I doubt you would have any but can y'all give some to me?????
Fun Facts About Me!!
I love collecting things, and in this case I collect horses!!!
I love Star Wars!
I love KOLTC
I love Harry Potter ( I've read each book at least 3 times )
I enjoy reading the Hunger Games!
I will friend anyone!!
I have played this game two times before but my my account was deleted due to lack of activity

I am ok with joining a team but I am pretty sure you wouldn't want me on your team given how new I am rn!

(So if you did want me on a team... prob later when I get better horses!)
I look forward to getting better in this game!!