My Notebook

Directory Searches:
***My note: Try to go to horses that aren't on the first page; spread the attention out so everyone has a fair chance. For Xanthos and Topaz, right click on their name then choose the option "open in new tab." This allows you to click, close the link, and open the next one without having to go back to directory and search again.

Dr. Zig Foal Games:
+3 to whatever the game says to feed your foal (game says 6, feed 9, etc.)
*** My note: If you finish the day with more than 20% energy, do some more play. Just be sure you don't drop below the 20% before bed!

Training for 1 year 6 months to 2 years:
Board your horse in a facility that is the same type of riding training you are doing (i.e. Mountain facility for mountain rides, etc.). 

Training 2 years to 10 years:
How BLUP is calculated:

40% of BLUP is gained for aging the horse to age 10 = 80 points

40% of BLUP is gained for all rides and training in the top three skills = 80 points

20% of BLUP for 20 victories (each victory adds more BLUP points than the previous) = 40 points

**0+80+40 =200 points total BLUP.

Get Equus:

Please note ~ I am an Adult player.