Hi! I am a returning (now adult) player from many many moons ago. I played up until about 2017, but got busy with life and lost my account due to inactivity :( I used to play mainly on the AU server as TinyCarrot97. * * * * I thoroughly enjoy all sorts of video games and movies, I am currently playing Baldurs Gate III, Genshin Impact, World of Warcraft and Overwatch mainly when I am not here :) I also love Star Wars, Anime, Gardening, Dungeons and Dragons, Magic the Gathering and Metal music :) Making this Layout was one of the most stressful experiences, and I cannot be bothered to fix the issues it has currently, please forgive me lol

I used to be on a breeding team and am looking to get back in to breeding :) I Have joined a wonderful team, but with life being chaotic as all heck lately, I dont have too much time to be around :)

Thank you for visiting my page, I will do my best to return all congratulations I see, and I am always happy to get messages and friend requests!
