Defrost Frost

here there be dragons
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Layout by genny's graphix

Hi, I'm Red Raven but you can call me Rouge or Red. 
I have returned to Howrse after many years away. As an adult player who works the night shift, I may not be all that active. Especially since IRL I have my own horse and am aiming to start up a horse breeding and training facility. If you would like updates on that, you can find Ravencrest Performance horses on facebook and instagram. If you would like to follow my personal horse riding journey with my mare Solar Flare who I brought as an untrained 3yo in 2019, you can find us on instagram @rougecorvinis
My current focus in game is my Thoroughbred lines with which I am attempting to enter the GP race. I still am a fair bit away as I am still using the stallions at public stud rather than my own however Fine Dining has already produced 2 foals over 20000 GP for me. As a secondary I am currently collecting all other breeds in the game and will begin to breed form them once they are at 100blup
I am taking offers on all geldings in my other horses tab, all mare's for which I already have a filly of the same breed and Thoroughbreds under 25400 GP. TB colts over 25400 GP can be sold as geldings upon request

if you involved in a  NIB project and would need/like some new lines, I am offering Scarlet Wings at public stud twice a day for 500e and additional services can be reserved for 1000e. 
You can also purchase NIB foals in utero at the following prices:
~my sire~
Dun with You: coming soon
Rouge Rose: 2500e or 5 passes (in training, low blup, immortal)
Maewyn: 3500e or 6 passes (fully blupped and bolded, immortal)
Ranina: 3500e or 7 passes (fully blupped and bolded, immortal)
~your sire~
prices as above + service fee.
FirstInLine: coming soon
Screamofthebutterfly: coming soon
If paying passes 500e = 1 pass

I am more than happy to put BMI that you provide on the mare for the pregnancy or you can have the cost of the item added to the cost of the foal

I am looking to buy any purebred filly under 6 months of breeds I don't yet have for less than 5000e
Philosophers stones
hypnos blankets
all breeding items
athena's medal

~in game~
foals over 20000 gp
1 horse fully blupped/ bolded
own a divine
own a donkey
own a draft
own every breed of pony

~in real life~
over 60% in a prelim dressage test
started a horse
purchased a horse with my own money
started a horse
bred a foal
trained a foal
sold a horse to an appropriate home
got paid to ride another persons horse
had lessons under a grand prix dressage rider
attended equitana