Thanks for checking out my page!
I am a 23 year old returning player from England. I played this game a lot when I was young and have gotten back into it for nostalgia reasons!
I am trying to breed Thoroughbred horses but have got a few that I may use in side projects (currently using in comps to get cash).
Feel free to take a look at my horses and current game play with the purpose of sending me any tips or advice. Always looking to learn so feel free to share the knowledge.
Clebo Boarding
Clebo is a name I created based on my pets IRL. My dog is named Bowie and my new kitten is called Cleo. Bowie is a rescue dog from Romania and Cleo is a kitten that was living in a renovation pile. I am honoured happy and lucky to have them in my life and I thought it would be incredibly fun to bring them to the virtual realms via Howrse.
Clebo boarding strives to do its best for its service users. This is done by...
- Offering only 3** accommodation for comfort.
- Providing 3** saddles and bridles to ensure your horse looks their best.
- Offering Saddle clothes, Polo wraps and Ear bonnets.
- Ensuring all of our boxes have water troughs and showers
- Ensuing we have a constant supply of Mash, Carrots, Fodder and Oats.
- Using Flax bedding for a comfy sleep.
- Having a 15 point bonus on each skill.
- Changing bedding regularly and ensuring boxes never meet more than 5% Wear and Tare.