_\\// V I V E* D I U *E T *V I G E_\\//
Spring '24 Semester:
I'm going to take another break...I'm anticipating Rhetoric and Math will take up a lot of my time. See ya'll in summer...or just toward the end of the semester.
My Game:
I am proud of the rosettes I get and love seeing my GP climb, but I don't pursue it really. Other than that I'm just collecting cute Vanner foals and enjoying any BMIs I get by chance.
Any of the youngsters in the Overstock tab are for sale; ask away. They are very well-cared for, have all the skills they could have at this point. I would rather not remove the affixes; I enjoy going and giving every horse I've bred an apple occasionally :)
Disclaimer: I am not a horse girl. Never have been. I even looked down on horse girls for many years. But I've come to appreciate them, especially after moving out to the country. Ironically, I will be taking a horsemanship practicum in college this semester. The horse I'm riding is mostly Quarter Horse; he's a bay gelding with the softest coat. Very intelligent and hardworking. His name is Buzz.
My other interests:
Star Trek
Root Beer
Homer’s Epics
Moody Music
Creative Writing
Fallout Boy + The Cranberries + Skillet + Imagine Dragons + Eminem + Owl City
Sum discipula latinae. Si tu quoque hanc linguam scis, scribe mihi, quaeso :)
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. . .,-’ , , , , ,-‘;:.. . .`-¸;:.`,’--~’`,¯-.,¸_,everyone's page. Do your part by putting
. . (. ,•¸,-~’¨|;;;::.. .. . “-,;:/,`,-~-~¬¯. . . . . . .¸,..,¸ . . . . .¸,.-~--.¸_ him on your page
. . . ¨`” . . . .|;;;:::.. . .. . ¯¯`*¬~---~~¬¬”``~-,;:;;`”~--~”:;;::,-“’’``¯¨and help him
. . . . . . . . . ;;;::… . … , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¨`-,;;:;;::;;::;:;:`¬~-.¸ get around
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