Infos generaly
Name: lee milla-Luna
Surnames: una/illa/luna/milla/mia/
Age : 99line
Relationship: getting married this year. Hobbys: taking cares of my mare irlife and my dog and cats too and playing ark survivale solo and non officials servers playing here on horse heaven / sso / drawings on paper till im getting my fully computer gaming set up i be back uploading digitalys drawings and posted on mostly games im playing and be playing i love dancing hip hop and signing kpop STRAY KIDS and other pop and rappings songs collecting breyers collecta schleichs horses ponies and customizing thems and creatings my own halters lead ropes blankets for eachs favorites models i loving mostly for starting and getting the hands for that i be doing it on traditionels and classic size breyers and somes collecta maybe .
Siblings : only knowing that i was separeted from my real family half south korean and austraillenne .
So please understanding somes times i might not replying is im taking care of my animals and myself too or im occupied with doing something on here or on a game .
Ps right now im not having my computer gaming full set to assembling together it taking me this years and starting of 2024 to making sure im having my full set i really wanting .