- -- About Me -- -
Hi I'm Erin! 23 y/o ND enby who played Howrse religiously as a kid/tween and recently got back into it
I love Vanners, Friesians, and draft horses; really any big chunky bois with feathering <3

- -- My Production -- -
All horses I own and produce are purebred
Feel free to ask for a reserved covering from any of my stallions for 500e (except for ones with limited coverings)

- -- Collected Horses -- -
Divine horses collected
Greek gods: Atalanta, Achilles, Ulysses
Prehistoric: Tarpan

Special coats collected
Elements: Air, Water
Iris' coat: Green, Yellow, Blue, Indigo, Rainbow, Rainbow
Greek gods wanderer's spirit: Hades
History wanderer's spirit: Ramses
Urban legends wanderer's spirit: Wendigo
Seven seas wanderer's spirit: Pacifico
Environments: Wilderness, Wilderness
Hiking journal: Forest

Vintage apple Vanners collected
Dark bay tobiano
Palomino tobiano
Dapple grey tobiano

Wandering horses who've visited me
April Fools'

Tip: Congratulate Xanthos 5x everyday for a chance to get a horn of plenty