I'm a returning player, my old account got deleted from inactivity. I think I started playing way back in like 2015-16. 
I might not be that active because I am just not super interested in playing this game much anymore but still like to play every once and awhile.

What are some of my goals?:
-Firstly I want to collect all of the Chinese divine horses since one of my first divines was a Chinese divine. (On an old account)
-Reach 23000 GP on an Arabian (bred myself)
-Become a V.I.P. (In the distant future)
-Actually talk to people (I'm a bit of a loner)
-Learn to BLUP more effectively
-Reach 100,000 equus 
-Reach 500,000 equus 
-Reach 100 days seniority 
-Get over 100 horses
-Learn to make Howrse Layouts 
-Make my own avatar picture 
-Create a Golden apple coat 
-Create a landscape for helios ray