Hello all!
I am a returning player. I had an account here back when they had salt blocks, or playing with companions gave your horses skills. Sounds crazy, right? I was very active when I was in high school, mainly rping with some close friends of mine (shout out to pika). But then life got in the way, aka school, working, internships, etc, trying to pad my resume to get into vet school, and I had to deactivate my account. Now that I am in my third year in vet school, I am in clinics and found time after clinics each day to unwind. RPing with friends on here was how I unwound in High School, and I am looking for that again, so I am looking for some new friends to write with.
Here are my qualifications:
Adult (21+)
Currently in higher education, which should hopefully count for something? Though it is working me to the bone, so please forgive my inevitable brain lapse and occassional grammar mistake.
I have skype (told you I am old), discord, and here, so the medium in which we rp does not matter to me, if you have a preference.
I admit I have not done this in a bit, so I am extremely rusty, but I was known to give multiple paragraphs per post when I did rp 1x1 with partners. Anything less than a solid 5 sentences is usually abhorrent to me, unless our characters are having dialogue, in which case waiting for the other player to reply is completely understandable. How do you expect the plot to move along though if every single post is less than a paragraph?
I can play either male or female, does not matter to me if you have a preference. I do love my romance plots or subplots, and the pairing (mxm, mxf, fxf) does not matter to me, either, I am open to pretty much anything.
I am interested mainly in humans as our muses, but will venture to shapeshifters if the plot is interesting enough. I could also get behind a vampire or two, because I am not opposed to bloody themes, by any means. I am going to be a veterinarian, after all (if I graduate....)
The themes I am most intrigued by are as follows:
Romance, supernatural, medical, fantasy, thriller.
Here are some qualifications that I am looking for in a parter:
Adult (18+)
Literate. Point blank. If you send me numerous one liners in a row, and the point in the plot where we are at does not call for that, I am ghosting you. You have been warned.
Communication is key. If you are getting bored with a plot, please let me know. I don't want to have to go to the emergency room for a broken back for having carried the plot along for weeks. I am too old for that nonsense now. I already have to carry 50+ pound dogs to and from the surgery tables, I am not about to carry you, too. Also, I get sometimes that life gets in the way and we are not able to log on to Howrse, or Discord, or whatever for days or weeks at a time, but let me know. Maybe not that day, but just so I am not waiting around for a week wondering if you fell and couldn't get back up and were without life alert. I will also let you know when my final weeks are so that you know not to expect any replies any time soon. Because my finals weeks are every 8 weeks and consist of anywhere from 4-8 exams in a given week, so I will likely be MIA for that entire week running on caffeine and the joys of pulling multiple all nighters in a row.
Willing to chat outside of the rp, I am looking for friends, but also sometimes we need to chat about how we want to move the plot along before we actually do it so we don't subvert each other's character's plans unknowingly. And if it is getting boring to either one of us, we need to feel comfortable admitting that to each other so we can see if the rp is salvagable or if we need to scrap it altogether and find something new.
If you have made it to the end of this and it all sounds amenable to you, please do not hesitate to shoot me a message and we'll see if we can work something out.