Welcome to my page!

Hey guys! Welcome to my page!
I'm a retired Howrse breeder come out of retirement
and settling back into playing. 
My main focus is on Marwari's, Friesians, and Vanners.
I breed some purebred Marwaris, but I eventually want to get into
creating Marwari crosses with Friesian and Vanner in the bloodline.
Marwari insanity is my main breeding farm, 
where you can find my purebred Marwaris.

A Bit About Me!

I am an adult player from the US
I played from 2011 until 2016
I'm not big into competitions
never was even when I was originally on here.
I used to breed an extensive collection
of Friesians and Vanners, and would like to do it again.
I would love some advice on how to make equus
in a hurry because I've totally forgotten how lol
Would love any advice on how to play seeing as how it has been
such a long hiatus! Thank you, guys!