Game plan:
So this time around, I am more of a collector. My long term goal for this account is to collect one of every coat of every breed, so one of each really. I imagine that taking a very long time, but if I ever reach it, I'll branch it out to the same for unicorns, Pegasuses and winged unicorns, but for now just natural. So if you for whatever reason really have to get rid of a horse, feel free to consider donating to me, or selling for a relatively low price.
My starting breed is the Knabstrupper because I really love their artwork.
As like a side quest I would like to collect all the vintage apple Vanner coats, they were one of my favorite original artworks and I like them much more then the Vanners we have now. In addition I'd like to put these on Vanners only. If I manage to finish this I'll branch out to others I really liked like the Shetland.
Feel free to message me about anything and everything, I am always happy to talk.
Introducing myself:
I may seem new to this game due to my 'seniority' but the truth is, I have been on this game since the very beginning. Back when the dutch server launched I was on it. I played it daily as a kid but eventually grew bored of it as I grew older and so I quit. But at some point I wanted to get back. In the mean time however I had learned how to read and write enough English to understand the game in English, so I played on the Canadian server because it had more horse breeds then the Dutch server. And once again I eventually stopped playing. But now that I am an adult with some life limiting physical issues, that have made it impossible for me to work full time. I have come back, I wanted to get back on my Canadian account because it was pretty good, but I don't remember the name and password, so here I am starting over again.
Hobbies, interests, etc:
I have so many series, movies, musicians, youtubers and streamers I follow, that I am not going to write this down story like. I am just going to make a bunch of lists, if you don't mind XD. None of these lists are in any particular order and they might be missing some so feel free to message me about anything.
These are all the ones I have either finished watching or am in the proces of watching. I am very likely missing a bunch so feel free to message me asking about other shows.
- S.W.A.T. (Not finished)
- Criminal minds (not finished)
- Fate Winx Saga
- Peaky Blinders (not finished)
- Titans
- Alex Rider
- Arcane (not finished)
- Teen Wolf
- Merlin
- Shadow Hunters (movie and series)
- The Terminal List
- MacGyver (new and old)
- The Sandman (not finished yet)
- Magnum P.I (about to start)
- Prison Break (not finished yet)
- The Gifted
- Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron
- The Black Stallion
- Return of the Black Stallion
- All of the Lassie movies and series
- The two oldest Black Beauty movies and the series
- The Silver Brumby (movie and serie)
- Ice Age (the first three movies)
- DC and MCU (not all films and series, just some)
- Young Warlander
I've also fallen in love with mystery/thriller/fantasy/crime kdrama's so feel free to inquire about those!
These are mucisians I either listen a lot to nowadays or used to. And then beside these people I have a bunch of people from whom I have 1 or 2 songs in my list, but not gonna name all of those. When setting up this list I realized I have a pretty diverse list of music.
- Shawn Mendes
- RoadTrip (disbanded awhile ago, due to abusive manager)
- Why Don't We
- F.E.A.T.S. (two members of RoadTrip who are now a duo)
- Imagine Dragons
- Derivakat
- Alan Walker
- Dean Lewis
- Isak Danielson
- Matt Hansen
- Camylio
- David Kushner
- Bryan Adams
- Sody (specifically her song 'The Bully')
- Lewis Capaldi
- Zoe Wees
- Alec Benjamin
- Beth Crowley
- NF
- Munn
- Chase Goehring
- Citizen Soldier
- Zach Hood
Some of these I might watch a lot and some I might watch occasionally.
- Dream
- Foolish
- Sapnap
- George
- Markiplier
- Bob (Muyskerm)
- CaptainSparklez
- Casual Geographic
- Claire Eventing
- Corpse
- Corridor Crew
- Daniel Krafft
- Daniel LaBelle
- Daniel Trasher
- Doctor Mike
- Dr.Pol
- Dude Perfect
- elissa
- FelineHoi
- Fovvs
- Fundy
- Goodtimeswithscar
- Grian
- Imbrandonfarris
- ImpulseSV
- Jacksepticeye
- Jazza
- Jesse Drent
- Jiemba Sands
- lilsimsie
- LordMinion777
- Magnus MidtbØ
- Matt Harnacke
- Nino's Home
- PewDiePie
- RobertIDK
- RoomieOfficial
- SeaPeeKay
- Skizzleman
- Team Edge
- TedNivision
- Technoblade (R.I.P)
- TrixyBlox