Just getting back into the game; it's a fun thing to do to pass the slow time at work!
Friend me if you'd like, I'll always accept!
I'm active in events so if you need a friend to help with events like clicking for damage points on the pinata you can add me for that too.
I've got 2 horses of my own and 4 cats at home
**If I'm stomping while you're trying to BLUP, send me a message; I promise it's not on purpose. I go by what the participant horses are named so if there's no keywords like blup, or 20 wins, I join the comp with my own horses that I am blupping.**
For any Paranormal Romance/Action novel fans out there, here is the link to my
Instagram account that has updates for the novels I'm releasing! I'm in the process of publishing the first book in the current series I'm working on, so give me a follow and stay tuned for a release date and future books!