adult player
I am a returning player from the US. It has been several years since I've been on Howrse, and unfortunately my old account was deleted :( A lot has changed since I've been here, but I'm excited to be back! 
my game
- I am currently focusing on breeding Marwaris. Right now I'm working on high GP purebreds, but I was a big crossbreeder several years back so I may try that again at some point.
- Looking to collect RC and GA Marwari, please contact me with a fair price if you're looking for a buyer! 
- On my old account I did several giveaways and such, I need to build up this account before I start up again but for now I'll be putting a high GP foal or BM item horses in direct sales for 500 equus once a month or so!
- I am willing to take offers into consideration for a horse not in the sales tab, but I reserve the right to respectfully decline
- I try to return all congratulations as quickly as possible
- Send me a friend request!
- Occasionally I turn sales around for profit; it is nothing personal!
- Please do not message me for small talk or spam mail
news + more
Last giveaway: tbd

- Currently buying for my AP farm! If you're looking to sell any horses please place them in my reserved for a fair price