Not real active here these days due to health, crazy things happening in my life, and disinterest in the game. I'm sure I'll be back to playing more at some point. But for now, I mostly just drop by to check on events. Sorry for slow replies to messages and not keeping up with my EC!

Dixie. Young adult gal. INFJ-T. Neutral good. Chronically ill + intermittently disabled.
Artist, photographer, and biology nerd who also enjoys gaming, reading, and the outdoors.
I am on Wolvden!

Been playing here for many years under different accounts. Now I've returned mainly to socialize and perhaps make friends. Not always very active depending on health and other reasons, but I try to check in daily if nothing else. Feel free to message me if you just want to chat or need someone to talk to! I don't bite often. Just keep in mind that I'm an adult. If you are under 18, please only message me if it has to do with the game (sales, objectives, congrats, etc.). Not accepting random friend requests! I need to have at least talked with you a bit first.
