Want a better "About Me" that's not Howrse-specific? Try here!
I'm back maybe
I played Howrse back in 2014 but I literally don't know how I discovered it, I'm not even a horse person specifically I just like pet games
First account: FIFAworldcup2014 (US server); active until perhaps late 2017 or early 2018, after which the account was deleted for inactivity. Also had an INT account by the same name so I could play w/my sister (who was on the INT version), though hardly used.
Second account: unknown username (possibly same username as now or a variation of it), US server. Started sometime after I discovered my account was deleted. Played for only like two days, and that account was also eventually deleted. UPDATE: it was not deleted! Catch me on US server under the name WishUponATsar!
I plan to also be active on US server.
Like on my first acc I plan to breed PSHs, Mustangs, Vanners, Akhal-Tekes, and Knabs, but now as you can see my focus is Fjords. I am also getting into Marwaris.
-I accept all friend requests but I'm shy so yeah

-If you have the objective to be given something from items donations you can ask me about it
-I don't buy passes and only get them from objectives and offers/ads, and sales if possible
-I play casually and not very competitively
I also really really really want this RC which is never gonna happen but I want everyone to see it if they haven't already because I think it's neat
FlyFjord by Bughs. Limited to 200 copies and if I understood correctly, 141 remain.