Little guide to my horses' names: Quarter Horse, Thoroughbred, Mustang, Akhal-Teke, Arabian, Marwari, and Vanner names are all ones drawn from Greek or English words. Lustanio horses' names are Portuguese. Purebred Spanish Horses have Spanish names. Appaloosa names are from the Nez Perce tribe since the Nez Perce are the ones who developed the breed originally. The American Paint Horses' names are from the Navajo tribe, as Paint Horses were also developed by the indigenous tribes living in North America. Curly horses are named after fruits, nuts, berries, etc. The Percheron and Selle Français horses have French names. Freisian horses have Dutch names, Fjord horses have Norweigian. Geldings are named after drinks (ie Mocha, Chai Latte, Milk Tea), and the Quarter Horses produced from my stallions Chi and Delta are named after numbers until they win a competition, at which point their name changes into something else. I just wanted to have some fun naming them this time around.
That’s pretty much it hi thanks for checking in.