~Welcome to my Skeleton's Closet.~

My name is Skeletreece, but you can just call me Skelly. I used to be on here a long time back as fix202. Sadly, I was gone too long and I lost the account, so here I am, starting straight from the beginning.

Please feel free to sign my Center's Guestbook in it's forum. I would love to see your name there.

Any horse in the Other Horses tab is for sale, {Except for the three that are unsellable.}so feel free to check the For Sale button to see who is there!


Some Information about Me:


My Goals:


~ Own a Unicorn from every breed that I breed currently. {I have the Marwari.}

~ Gain at least 20,000 in Equus every day.

~ Have 100 boxes in my Center. 

 That is all for now. I will probably update this as time goes on, but please know, I would love to hear from you and chat with you about anything here on Howrse or otherwise. Have a wonderful day, 

