
About Me

Hi! My name is Olivia. I don't own my own horse, I live vicariously through my cousin who owns a 15 year old paint named Mud. He used to travel and hunt for elk in different states with my uncle but due to an accident a few years ago he now spends his time in a field. I personally own a 3 year old AKC American Labrador Retriever named Kodiak Coon Davis (he's my profile picture and my user name). Our goal is to work for our 15 points and Westminster in NY. Maybe you'll see us on tv there one day! And extra fun fact I work in a bakery full time so I get to help create new pastries, our most recent being homemade pop-tarts!

My Game

I really didn't plan on having a select breed but it seems I ended up with mostly Knapstruppers. It's my goal to create the perfect breed combination for each competition and am currently working on Cross Country.
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