Hello and welcome to my page!שלום וברוכים הבאים לדף שלי
There is nothing in here that is too interesting, so you can happily skip
Looking for someone to design something for my presentation
So a little about myself
First of all I'm a girl (players tend to mistake despite the profile picture...)
I like to read book series (single books I don't like),
And to watch anime and American shows.
So feel free to talk if you feel like it
RIP Israel server
I moved from the Israel server, Howrse player from 2012!
Our server has been shut down, And that's a huge loss for me.
I had 2649 Horses, 260 Trophies, 37 Million Equus, 50th place in 14 rankings,
And so many other precious things.
I opened a new user here, it's really hard for me but I'm trying
Goodbye and have fun game!