I’m Bones. Played a long time ago. Decided to come back. I’ll keep adding to this as I think of things to add. If I’d stuck with it I’d probably have like 3000 days of seniority. I recall when foundies were 350gp.
I accept all friend requests and am always up for a chat :).
Anyway, about me: I am an engineer and a writer and a horse person. Most of my stuff is vaguely (or not vaguely) D&D related. Or Arcane (the show). Or other nerdy things. Love me some Critical role so if you want to shout about it hit me up. I am an adult player, so ya know just be aware. I ride English, primarily dressage and some jumping and trail riding. Been riding for about 20 years on and off.
I breed Thoroughbreds and German Saddle Horses, recently joined the team Devil Hunters and am having a blast. Will probably update this to have more on that at some point when I'm not lazy.
Secondary interest is Newfoundland unicorns. I'm pretty good at BLUP-ing them now. Hit me up for coverings. My goal is to potentially get them up to the top of the public coverings list but it's a loose goal. Also check out my sales, usually have something up and am negotiable.
I dabble in other things as well.
Anyway, cheers!