About Me: 
Hi there!
I'm an old player with a new account (same name). Decided to rejoin the game after a few years of being away. I'm a huge Harry Potter nerd and a nerd of pretty much anything fantasy related. I love horses but never got the chance to own one, so Howrse has always been a great way for me to live out my "horse girl" life.
I love collecting GA coats under a collective theme. I am currently working on my Witcher Collective which is inspired by the Witcher Series. On my last account, I had an affix called "Hogwarts Collective" that I am very proud of. The affix doesn't exist anymore, but my "deer" friend Deer_horse kept my collection together. You can check out the GA coats in their "Diamonds in My Heart" tab. I will be trying to recreate this Collective under a new affix with the same name.
*these horses are definitely not for sale*.
Friend Requests: 
I accept all friend requests! I'm a very friendly player and I'm always happy to have a chat so feel free to message me
I am quite open to negotiations regarding my horses that are for sale, but please only enquire about those in the "For sale" tab or ones that are currently for sale in Auction or Direct sales.
I also have foals from my Wayward Warriors team for sale, see below for more info.
Team - Wayward Warriors 
Wayward Warriors is an Arabian horse team created by me. It is brand new and we are currently recruiting members to join. Please see the team page for requirements and message me to apply.
Team - Smooth Marcha
Smooth Marcha is one of the many new teams for the new breed that just arrived - the Mangalarga Marchador. Enquiries about this team should all be directed at our lovely team Admin - SovereignQueen
My UFO's will always be set to 5%, the prizes will get better once I collect more BMI :)
My game time will vary so I apologise if I'm ever late to replying to messages or returning congratulations. :)