hi ! I'm charmingcurlies, but you can call me bella. <3 I recently made a new account as i lost my old one, though i am not new to howrse lol
I ride IRL, hunters/equitation.
Any unwanted horses? send them my way in reserved sales and/or message me so we can figure out a pricing.
I will buy for 500 EQ to 5000 EQ, depending on the horse.
any breed, age, gender, training ^ doesn't matter, although I will pay more for a 1+ old horse and a more well trained one.
horses that are pregnant I will buy for 900-3000 EQ depending on how far along, if you have a ultrasound and if they are twins etc.
I love to make friends, send me a chat :)) <3
all my horses are for sale for the right price, shoot me a message and we can possibly figure something out :)
Have a nice day !