
Fjord and Ban'ei horse breeder.


I am 20 years old and attend college in New Mexico. I am the oldest out of six. Most of my free time, I spend either reading, playing howrse, or watching movies. My goal on howrse is to breed high GP Fjord horses and Ban'ei horses. With my playing style, I don't use black market items or aging points. I like to have a realistic feel to the game, so I stick to aging and taking care of my horses daily. There are also other projects that I have, but I am not working on currently. Any friend requests I am happy to accept.

Blupping Guides

To find the correct blupping guide, find your horse's top three skills. I attached a number to each skill; you add them together to find the correct guide. Stamina=0, Speed=1, Dressage=2, Gallop=4, Trot=8, Jumping=15.

If anything on my blupping guide is not adding up, let me know. I am open to suggestions and would like to know if I made any errors. Thank you.

3=Stamina, Speed, Dressage

5=Stamina, Speed, Gallop

6=Stamina, Dressage, Gallop

7=Speed, Dressage, Gallop

  1. Western discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train speed and dressage
  6. Enter cutting competitions till no more gain
  7. Train stamina
  8. Enter reining or/and western pleasure till 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years
  1. Western discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train stamina and gallop
  6. Enter barrel racing competitions till no more gain
  7. Train speed
  8. Enter western pleasure till 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years

  1. Western discipline
  2. Board in mountain EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete mountain rides
  5. Train stamina and dressage
  6. Enter reining competitions till no more gain
  7. Train gallop
  8. Enter western pleasure or/and barrel racing till 20 wins
  9. Complete forest rides
  10. Age to 10 years
  1. Classical discipline
  2. Board in mountain EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete mountain rides
  5. Train speed and dressage
  6. Enter gallop competitions till no more gain
  7. Train gallop
  8. Enter trot or/and jumping competitions till 20 wins
  9. Complete forest rides
  10. Age to 10 years

9=Stamina, Speed, Trot

10=Stamina, Dressage, Trot

11=Speed, Dressage Trot

12=Stamina, Gallop, Trot

  1. Western discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train stamina and dressage
  6. Enter western pleasure competitions till no more gain
  7. Train speed and trot
  8. Enter cutting competitions till no more gain and reining till 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years

  1. Western discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train stamina and dressage
  6. Enter western pleasure competitions till no more gain
  7. Train trot
  8. Enter reining competitions till 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years
  1. Classical discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train speed and dressage
  6. Enter trot competitions till no more gain
  7. Train trot
  8. Enter gallop or/and show jumping competitions till 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years

  1. Western discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train stamina and dressage
  6. Enter wester pleasure competitions till no more gain
  7. Train gallop and trot
  8. Enter barrel racing competitions till 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years

13=Speed, Gallop, Trot

14=Dressage, Gallop, Trot

16=Stamina, Speed, Jumping

17=Stamina, Dressage, Jumping

  1. Classical discipline
  2. Board in mountain EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete mountain rides
  5. Train speed
  6. Enter trot competitions till no more gain
  7. Train trot and gallop
  8. Enter dressage competitions till no more gain and 20 wins
  9. Complete forest rides
  10. Age to 10 years
  1. Classical discipline
  2. Board in mountain EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete mountain rides
  5. Train gallop and trot
  6. Enter dressage competitions till no more gain
  7. Train dressage
  8. Enter cross country or/and show jumping competitions till 20 wins
  9. Complete forest rides
  10. Age to 10 years

  1. Classical discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train speed and dressage
  6. Enter show jumping competitions till no more gain
  7. Train jumping and stamina
  8. Enter cross country competitions till no more gain and gallop and/or trot competitions till 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years
  1. Classical discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train dressage and jumping
  6. Enter cross country competitions till no more gain
  7. Train stamina
  8. Enter gallop or/and trot competitions till 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years

18=Speed, Dressage, Jumping

19=Stamina, Gallop, Jumping

20=Speed, Gallop, Jumping

21=Dressage, Gallop, Jumping

  1. Classical discipline
  2. Board in mountain EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete mountain rides
  5. Train speed and dressage
  6. Enter show jumping competitions till no more gain
  7. Train jumping
  8. Enter gallop and/or trot competitions till 20 wins
  9. Complete forest rides
  10. Age to 10 years

  1. Western discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train jumping and trot
  6. Enter trail competitions till no more gain
  7. Train stamina and gallop
  8. Enter barrel racing competitions till no more gain and 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years
  1. Classical discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train speed and dressage
  6. Enter gallop competitions till no more gain
  7. Train gallop and jumping
  8. Enter cross country competitions till no more gain and 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years

  1. Classical discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train gallop
  6. Enter dressage competitions till no more gains
  7. Train dressage and jumping
  8. Enter cross country competitions till no more gain and 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years

23=Stamina, Trot, Jumping

24=Speed, Trot, Jumping

25=Dressage, Trot, Jumping

27=Gallop, Trot, Jumping

  1. Western discipline
  2. Board in mountain EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete mountain rides
  5. Train stamina
  6. Enter western pleasure competitions till no more gain
  7. Trail trot and jumping
  8. Enter trail competitions will no more gain and 20 wins
  9. Complete forest rides
  10. Age to 10 years
  1. Classical discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train speed and dressage
  6. Enter gallop competitions till no more gain
  7. Train trot and jumping
  8. Enter cross country competitions till no more gain and 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years

  1. Western discipline
  2. Board in mountain EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete mountain rides
  5. Train trot and jumping
  6. Enter trail competitions till no more gain
  7. Train dressage
  8. Enter cutting or/and reining competitions till 20 wins
  9. Complete forest rides
  10. Age to 10 years
  1. Classical discipline
  2. Board in forest EC
  3. Foal games (optional)
  4. Complete forest rides
  5. Train trot and gallop
  6. Enter dressage competitions till no more gain
  7. Train dressage and jumping
  8. Enter cross country competitions till no more gain and 20 wins
  9. Complete mountain rides
  10. Age to 10 years