Hey guys! I used to play this game years ago, and I decided to give it another go! I love that this is still around, it’s so nostalgic and I love that so many people are still playing. I am very excited to get everything up and running again. Please feel free to send me a friend request I am always ready to make new friends and we all know horse people are the best people!


Any advice you can offer would be so greatly appreciated, also if I can help you in any way please let me know! I am considering joining a team so if you think I should join your team let me know!


Come check out The Old White Oak Stables! There has been so much progress in the barn over the last year or so! Offering all your dietary and equipment needs and offering water troughs and showers in all boxes, also will be slowly expanding over the next few months! 2** Boxes in progress as we speak!


Happy Howrsing!! 

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 I have been riding horses my entire life! Mostly western but I have done a little of a lot of things ha! I absolutely adore my goofy grey horse!! His barn name is Bling! He is a 3 year old OTTB, and is the absolute best of baby horses! A real gentleman!