Welcome To My Page!
About Me:
- I’m over 18+
- I have pets of my own but no horses irl.
- I will be pretty busy for the next few weeks for personal reasons.
- I’ve known howrse since the very beginning but I’ve been on and off.
One day, I will be able to do giveaways with xmagnoliax20 so stay tune!
I will also set up my account to VIP when I get to it. I’m currently focusing on collecting different breeds and high GP horses.
I am looking for horses that was born 2007. I am willing to pay between 100-300 passes depending on their GA coat, skills, and Black Market items.
I am also looking for Diamond Apple coats and willing to pay 500-1,500 passes. Let me know!
Unwanted horses are welcome to join my breeding farms for 2,000 Equus.
If you are leaving or quitting, please don’t leave your horses alone. You can reserve them to me. 
If you ever need someone to talk to, please reach out to me. I will try my best to help you out as much as I can.
Huge special shout out to xmagnoliax20 for supporting me in this game! It’s been a while since I’ve been on.