Hello there! Welcome to my page. I am a young adult Libra from the US, and my pronouns are she/her. I used to play this game years ago, and I am just now starting to get into it again! I do have a horse in real life also. His name is Frankie, and he is my pride and joy. I have had him for about 12 years now. He is a gorgeous chestnut foxtrotter and he is my favorite thing ever!
Currently, since I am a new player, I am working on gathering horses for AP farming mainly. Because of this goal, I will buy pretty much any horse under 3000e if it is left in the reserved sales for me! So if you are trying to sell some horses, just PM me and let me know! Besides that, I do have a couple of projects in mind. I am working on breeding Irish Hunters. I am starting from my foundation horse as that seems to be the most rewarding to me. I am starting at the bottom, but it is so cool to see the GP go up on the foals knowing it all because of my own work! I also plan on breeding Highland Pony unis. I have one filly currently, and I cannot wait to start breeding her! I am still working on learning how to BLUP effectively and efficiently, but eventually I am hoping to join a team or two once I have the skills and resources to do so!
I got my first divine, Yggdrasil today! 06-01-2021. I just got my 2nd Divine Apeliotes in my 4th HOP today! 6-18-2021    I fully BLUPped one of my horses to 100 all on my own! 6-8-2021

Yes, I did make this layout and my avatar! When I played years ago, making layouts and avis was one of my favorite things! If you are curious about them or would like me to make you one, just PM me and let me know! Keep in mind that I can be pretty busy sometimes, so I am not promising that I can get one in for you if you ask, but I will try my very best to because I really do enjoy making them!
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