
Hi! Welcome to my page. Thanks for visiting!

Wanting to find these Draft RCs! Please message me if you have one for sale. 

Currently collecting Golden Apple draft horses! Let me know what you got! Covers not necessary just wanting to collect the coats.

Also will buy any MORTAL horse over 30 years old for 3,500 equus, just reserve and message me

Check out my sales, new horses added regularly.

Any questions? Don't be afraid to PM me.

Most horses for sale are negotiable even if not marked negotiable. 

If you have scrolled this far, I guess I can share a little info about myself. Thanks for sticking around and reading a little bit about me. Like so many other presentations you have probably read, I am a returning player. I played back around 2010 and deleted my account. Still regret that even after so many years *sigh*... 
I am an adult player with a husband and daughter.
I love cats, I have 3. I am also a small chicken tender as I like to call myself lol 
I have a small but growing flock of chickens. They all have names and I enjoy watching them scratch around and just be chickens. They are quite entertaining to watch sometimes. Well enough about me, I will let you get back to the game. Thanks for paying a visit and happy Howrsing!