Hey all! I used to be on Howrse back in like 2010. Some of you may have known me as bahabla. Not sure why I chose that name
but I was a wee child then. Now I'm back and ready to see all the new stuff that's been added since then!
Feel free to friend me! I am an adult player so I won't be on here all the time, but I am always willing to chat!
I don't have a sick presentation on here yet for y'all to see (my internet is trash and I doubt it will like me trying to make a fancy presentation soooo) but here's some of the things I enjoy!
Video games!! (Hades, Zelda, Minecraft, Animal Crossing, Mario Kart, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Banjo Kazooie, Crash Team Racing, Mario (3D games), Pokemon, Ori and the Blind Forest, and much more!)
Reading! (Harry Potter, Warriors, and Divergent Trilogy are some of my favorite)
and creating art! I am actually a professional artist for a living. I teach art classes at my local studio and I create pet portraits on the side.
Anyways - have a great one y'all! God Bless