I'm currently trying to raise the prestige of my EC so I'm adding a bunch of boxes with showers and troughs. I'm also trying to raise the prestige of my competitions so any advice would be appreciated as my comps just aren't running at this point.
Hello! Feel free to call me Bailey! Feel free to add me as a friend. I love to meet new people on this game.
I'm a female, adult player who used to play this game in college and returned in 2020. Back then I was known as camryn_jennings and mostlt bred thoroughbreds. I am a self-employed business owner so I play Howrse in my downtime to "get away".
I am proudly the member of TWO wonderful teams:
Of the Night is a Lusitano unicorn team! As of July 2021 we are the No. 1 Lusitano unicorn team! We are currently in a race with a private breeder to get ranked. In May of 2022 we briefly overtook the breeder to get our ranking but it's a monthly push which has kept our team uncharacteristically active.
We are currently recruiting.
Spectral is a group of veteran, hilarious friends who just so happen to be the No. 1 Vanner Uni team on the server. We tend to be pretty laid back as a groups but I don't think I've met better friends on this server ever.