Hello,and congratulations for stumbling upon this page.
I am a returning player from 2014 with a new account. So I am now a lot older; more than a third of my life older since then.
I am not quite an interesting person, however if you would like to send me a message feel free to and we can chat about whatever. I'll also accept just about anyone as a friend, I promise I won't bite.

Some fun facts:
- I like history
- I am Australian
- Yes, it's true that a lot of creepy crawlies here are very dangerous, and you do need to be cautious at times, even more so out bush
- Animals: yes
- Lobsters do not die of old age
- As a little kid, I once threw a clump of dirt at my younger sibling's eye and they had to wear an eyepatch for a week. They never let me forget. (It's okay their eyes turned out way better than mine!!!)
Thanks for reading. Have a good day.