Howrse, you are a greedy company with no true care for the players.
Many, many players are leaving, your loyal longterm players are becoming jaded and short because of this. Wake up.
Fawna | 23 |They/she/he/idc
#actuallyautistic #actuallydissociative #genderfluid
Hello! I'm Fawna, a returning player from about 6-8 years ago. I'm here to code profiles, and improve my shagya unis. I am mostly living off-grid deep in the mountains, and as a result, occasionally have a limited connection. (about once a month when the solar power goofs up) I've always wanted to care for, and work with horses IRL, but for now I'll live vicariously thru these lovely pixels.
I am a digital artist by trade, and while the black pearl seems like a lovely opportunity, I most likely will not be partaking. As a professional artist, the compensation for the time and effort does not match a respectable standard. I urge the BP creators of this site to value their talent more- and begin taking commissions elsewhere, too.
I cannot resume taking commissions for coding & layouts here as I did years ago, since howrse's TOS is different now and that is no longer allowed. However, my codes and requests can be directed to my deviantart; which will be linked below later.
I have the honor of being the only loctician in my area, so please understand my job is occasionally demanding- I also am blessed to be able to partake in my best friend's improv comedy youtube series.
-please, if you don't have anything nice to say, just don't talk to me at all. My real life is full of it's fair share of stress and this is my escape. I intend to keep it that way.-
ugh we should be allowed to get rid of our OG horses from signing up. I dissociated a bit during signup and chose thoroughbred, didn't end up attatched to them at all sadly.
- Horses:None of my unis are for sale. Otherwise, offer away!
- Horses, Purchasing: I am always purchasing horses for my ap farm, so feel free to reserve them to me at any price below 2500, and I will buy them as soon as I see them.
- BMIS: I am ALWAYS seeking P.Stones, A.Heels, & ZLBs at fair exchange price. Just reserve and I will buy as soon as I see them!
- please do not dm me with offers on any horse with a GA or VA coat, and please be reasonable when haggling from sales.

Special horses
My first Unicorn
My first GA coat (not from tutorial)
My First Divine
My Favorite Riding Horse
My favorite Riding Unicorn
My favorite Draft Unicorn
My favorite Draft Horse
10k gp Shagya Uni
14k gp shagya Uni
Heinz 57 Horse (all breed cross
Shagya Uni Breeding Program
Personal Accomplishments
[updating dates asap]
Bought my First Uni- 2021-01-13 20:16 Lady Avalon
Bought my First Shagya Uni-
Birthed first Uni and got TWINS!:
Birthed four unis in one day with NO BM ITEMS:
Birthed three unis in one day, with NO BM ITEMS :
Joined my first team, breeding nokota unis:
Joined my dream team!:
unpopular opinion from an older player with disabilities ::::hey guys it's not hard to be nice to new players in the forums. If you can't be nice when answering a question stay out of the forums omg nobody cares how many times you've 'had' to answer the question or how jaded you are, some people have disabilities &disorders that make comprehending this game, and it's poorly written rulebook, difficult. Consider, before typing, that not everyone is like you... Or frankly, don't respond.

you aren't required to peruse the forums.

*none of these images are mine, click the images for credit.