Feel free to send a friend request I am always looking for friends

A little bit about me: I am a 23 year old girl who loves horses...duh haha. I have four pets a dog, cat a bunny and a few fish. My long term goal is to own my own horse one day

It has been a long time since I have played this game and now due to covid etc I have lots of time on my hands. So I decided to get back into the game. My goal is to breed top quality horses haha why not. I am also trying to get all the coats. Right now im working on one breed at a time. For the babies my pricing is what I base off of the store for that breed, I also want to be fair too. So feel free to PM me and we can come up to a fair offer that suits your financial needs.
Holy Moly thanks guys for boarding with me haha. I am very new to the whole owning a center so I feel honored that you guys chose mine :).
Also if I miss your congrats feel free to mesg me and I will get right on it :)
I have noticed that my foals that im selling at a lower price are being bought and then turned around for a higher price. The reason why some of my foals that are born with skills etc are being sold for a cheaper price is so that new players or returning players can buy this breed. This breed that I chose to go with first is not sold at lower prices and I thought to give these people a chance at the breed without spending a whole bunch. SO PLEASE if you are just going to buy and then turn around and sell at a higher price PLEASE reconsider.
Thanks again and Happy Howrsing