ced83a1ec20d9f7b45a8c537f1ccdf3c_v1582021737.png Howdy ya'll, 
I'm an adult player from the States. In real life I own an APHA mare and Quarter Horse gelding, work at a riding facility and give riding lessons. I compete in western events/rodeo on a semi regular basis and have jumped at some smaller local shows. 

On Howrse I am primarily focusing on raising/training Quarter Horses, Paints and Mustangs. I've slowly started branching out to Perchrons, Arabians and soon to be Thoroughbreds. Most of my horses are western trained and utilized in Reining, Cutting and Barrel racing. However some of our newer breeds may end up English/Racing trained. 

If you see a stallion that you would like a cover from for one of your mares, please don't be afraid to reach out. Once a week I will be posting coverings to the public, but can do private/reserved offers as well. 

Once a month we will be hosting a horse sale. Prices will be according to their GP. 

Have a great day! 
Nickers & Neighs,
Painted Wonder