Welcome to 65 Roses Stables! I'm still a noob, so this is all a major work in progress. While I work on getting back into the swing of Howrse, feel free to read some disjointed character snippets of my horses. Thanks for stopping by! Love ya!
Mother Hen: the Renegade
Background: older sister/maternal figure to Jupiter and Elara; biological mother of Atlas, Prometheus, Rheia, Ares, Lesath, Semele, Ioke, Taber, Iklil, Vihaan, and Cain.She is the leader of her own makeshift herd. Foil to Keres.
Personality traits: loyal, committed, single-minded, Machiavellian.
Goal: to protect her siblings, no matter the cost.
Mother Hen grimaced. She still remembered the pain - the pain of that loss. Of all the ways her parents could have escaped the agony of slavery, death was not what she expected. One day, she had parents; the next, she was an orphan. In their wake, two infant foals remained. Mother Hen was all they had left, and she couldn't let them meet the same fate their parents did. Thoughts and emotions consumed the mare's mind as she stood idly in the brush. She couldn't let them fall into slavery like their parents did. But how?
Mother Hen's shaky breath escaped her lungs, materializing in the winter air like puffs of smoke. This wasn't what she meant to do. At her feet, the lifeless body of a young stallion - a young prince - lay. The longer she gazed at him, the more she expected his body to start moving again -- his ribs to breathe, his eyes to blink, his nostrils to flare. But they didn't. The mare quivered as the realization hit her: she killed him.
She held the two foals close, wrapping her neck over their bodies in a desperate, tender embrace. Jupiter and Elara were more than her siblings; they were her children - her life. If anything happened to them because of what she'd done...Mother Hen shivered at the thought. She held them tighter. No. She had to protect them - no matter the cost.
Run. Don't stop. Don't slow down. Keep running.
"YOU'RE DEAD, YOU HEAR?" The ragged shout of the king chased after her, echoing inside her ears, her mind, her heart. Tears streamed down her face as she ran away from the only life she'd every known. And now, she could never stop.
Calypso: the Colluder
Background: reigning from the same ruthless herd Mother Hen came from, Calypso is a failed unicorn who became disillusioned from her herd and sought escape; she now colludes with Mother Hen to build an army to take down her original herd.
Personality traits: Bitter, headstrong, conflicted, lonely, chaotic.
Goal: to find a better life, take down her old herd, and wreak some havoc in the process.
"Tsk. Another failure." The voice of her father was the first thing Calypso heard. "What do we do with this one?"
The foal's mother shrugged lazily, casting only a fleeting glance at the defenseless foal, still damp with afterbirth. "I don't care. Sell it, I suppose. It's useless to us without a horn. Maybe the slave market can find some use for it, anyway."
Hold on. Keep it together. Just a little further. Come on! Calypso gnashed her teeth against the pain. The cart's wheels spun in the mud as her joints quivered under the stress of trying to free it. A bead of sweat ran down her fore. Ugh, what are you doing with your life? She exhaled defeatedly, slacking in her harness. What is everyone else doing with your life?
"You there! Dun!" Calypso flinched. Crud. The soldier stormed up to her, disdain dripping from his massive frame. "What's the holdup?"
Calypso glared at him, tensing her shoulders. She despised him. She despised this life of servitude. She was tired of it. "What do you think?" she hissed, stomping a hoof in the mud. Some of the muck splattered onto the guard's legs.
The guard scoffed in disgust before offering Calypso a swift hoof to the flank. The mare winced, staggering sideways. "Worthless wretch!" he spat. "Watch your tongue. You're lucky to even be here, filth. You're nothing without us. Now, get back to work."
The guard stomped away; Calypso's piercing eyes followed him. Lucky, huh? "Just you wait," she murmured, straining once more against the harness. "Some day, I will be."
Keres: the Vengeful
Background: Half-sibling to
Thana."Rescued" by Mother Hen from a breeding mill as a foal, Keres
followed Mother Hen's lead and saw her as a savior for much of her young
life. Keres was very close to her blood sister. However, Keres
uncovered Mother Hen's plan to turn both her and Thana into monsters to
fight her war against her old herd. Keres staged a coup in an attempt to
escape. She tried to free Thana, but to no avail; Thana had already
been transformed. In a fight for survival, Keres stole and consumed a
vial of Medusa's Blood, transformed into a pegasus, and fled in the air.
Keres is now the makeshift leader of a small band of horses all
fighting against Mother Hen.
Personality traits: bitter, led by morals, led by emotion, high sense of justice, angry, motherly.
Goal: to enact vengeance on Mother Hen for destroying her sister and to care for the unfortunate under her care.
Rheia: the Fanatic
Background: the third biological child of Mother Hen. Rheia is devoted to her dam to the point of fanaticism, desiring deeply the same love Mother Hen shows to Jupiter and Elara. Rheia seeks to be the perfect child, fearing rejection. She is the foil and rival of Keres.
Personality traits: fanatical, single-minded, loyal, eager to please, insecure.
Goal: to follow Mother Hen loyally, even in the face of Mother Hen's ugly intentions.
Ares: the Weapon
Background: the fourth biological child of Mother Hen. Ares, like many of his brothers and sisters, had been groomed and transformed by Mother Hen into an unthinking weapon whose only goal is to hunt down those who seek to destroy her family. However, Keres is able to break through his programming and turn him against his own mother.
Personality traits: obedience to those he trusts, rebellion to those he hates, intensely passionate, hard-hearted, isolationist.
Goal: to discover who he is outside his mother's programming.
Vihaan & Cain: the Reckoning
Background: the final two offspring of Mother Hen, twins. Seeing her failure to turn Ares into the perfect weapon, Mother Hen used a different tactic. She found the most powerful stallion she could find with the best genetics and had twins with him: Vihaan and Cain. She raised the twins as her beloved children. She bestowed them with the gift of flight, trained them, and doted on them. Through love and devotion, she turned them into the ultimate weapons of destruction -- guardians to protect her flock and reapers to destroy her enemies.
Personality traits: devoted, proud, steadfast, stoic.
Goal: to protect their mother.
Myla: the Gentle
Atlas, Prometheus, Lesath, Jade, Semele, Taber, Ioke, and Iklil: the Mindless