[she/her] ~ [day-sue-key]
*Please feel free and completely safe when it comes to negotiating prices, just try to be reasonable, that's all. I will never block, or use strong language if you rounded up the guts it takes to propose a negotiation. I've always relied on negotiating prices, which is why most of my sales are overpriced so that any potential buyer will try to negotiate with me.*
Also, if there is an accident, like you accidentally sold a very valuable horse for the wrong price and I happened to buy it, I will be perfectly willing to correct the trade just as long as I'm reimbursed what I payed for, and if you can prove it was an honest mistake.

I have been playing this game for a decade now on and off. I've had consistent computer problems in the past and my accounts (all 7 accounts that were different attempts to get back in) got deleted from inactivity :(
MONTHS of work down the drain, man.
I just want to breed a lot of horses this time around. I will only be breeding Akhal-Tekes. I favor their skills as well as their natural skins. But I'm also an avid donkey lover <3
If you would like to be a friend, then no prob bro; send me an invitation please :) We shall take over the void together ;x I'm a 20yo college student.
I'm a huge fan of the Sailor Moon, Star Wars (I’m a lover of the prequels and I will throw hands for the cause), Castlevania Lords of Shadow series, <3 The Chronicles of Amber <3, Red Dead Redemption, Black Butler, Beaststar, Yona of The Dawn, The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt, the Sims 4, The Ghost of Tsushima, Minecraft, etc, etc, so I'm always down to hear about any obsessions. We have to remember that Howrse is an online platform, so socializing is always fun.
私は日本語が話せますが、たくさんじゃないです。でも、私は日本語が大好きです!じゃあ、あなたは日本語が話せたら、 私に連絡してください。私はあなたと日本語を書きたい!
Oh, and I'm a horse owner (no surprise there haha). English style, Hunt Seat, Thoroughbred ex-racer bby boi. He's my lazy temperamental red-head

Favorite Breeds:
1. Akhal Teke
2. Donkey
3. Marwari
4. Fjord
5. Finnish
6. Kerry Bog
7. Highland Pony
8. Camargue