My profile pic. was made by 90poiuytreza
I will be breeding donkeys from now on, please message me if you want one (I sell them as babys so they will have covers left) but I will expect at least 40,000e for each female donkey and at least 30,000e for each male donkey. Just message me but it may take a while before I sell you one, I need to breed more but I will get to you. Don't worry! I may or may not be willing to sell my chincoteague pony unis (even females) but I will only accept high offers. Message me to place an offer.
equestrianrider is buying any horse that is at least 25 years old for 10,000 Equus each. If she finds this on your page, she will gift you, or give you a foal for 500 Equus. Hint: She looks at people's page who congratulate her or pm her saying 'Check my presentation page'.
jennybug will buy any donkey or draft (even with no covers left) for 50,000e or 45 passes! In a direct sale or auction, you would definitely not get that much for a donkey or draft with no covers because usually, people want them for breeding.
equestrianrider is buying any horse that is at least 25 years old for 10,000 Equus each. If she finds this on your page, she will gift you, or give you a foal for 500 Equus. Hint: She looks at people's page who congratulate her or pm her saying 'Check my presentation page'. jennybug will buy any donkey or draft (even with no covers left) for 50,000e or 45 passes! In a direct sale or auction, you would definitely not get that much for a donkey or draft with no covers because usually, people want them for breeding.
Giveaways! I am hosting a March giveaway! Go to my forum to enter! I will be judging on Mar. 31st -Awarn17 -Emily42 -19s.rbang -Scathach -PastelPony -CowgirlBeast -happy days -Tenesssewalker -lexie.0623 -horsejaid -The WelshCorgi -Selinnda -TopazFox -Yubin -krm907 -horselover1265 -386027 -alice// -paigej
Sales info. (message me if you reserve a horse for me) Feel free to message me with reasonable requests to buy my horses. I only buy and sell horses for equus so do not make an offer for one of my horses in passes. I will accept reasonable equus offers though. Just message me if you are interested in one of my horses and state your price request. I will not sell my curlys or fjords, I am trying to get every color. if you have a curly or fjord that you don't want, reserve it for me for a reasonable price. I will buy it. Although it may take a while for me to get to it. I will message you if I don't think it is a reasonable price. My price range for curlys is usually 4,000 to 6,500 and my price range for fjords is usually 4,000 to 6,000 but if it is a highly skilled horse, I may buy it for more. If you sell a curly or fjord to me, I WILL give it a forever home (with me). DO NOT SEND YOUR CURLYS OR FJORDS TO THE SAFE HAVEN! I will buy them if you are thinking about sending them to the safe haven just reserve them and follow the rules above.

Order a Chincoteague pony uni
60% of the world thinks Warrior Cats is stupid, 35% says they don't care. Post this on your account if you're part of the 5% that will take a hardcover Warriors book and slap those people in the face
Re-post if...
-you hear your name even if its not being called
-you say the entire alphabet because you can't remember what letter comes next.
-you and your best friend can say one word, and crack up.
-you hate when one string of your hoodie is longer than the other.
-you hate it when people think you like someone when you clearly don't.
-you hate it when your favorite song comes on, as you pull into the driveway.
-you hate waking up from a good dream and it won't come back
-your fridge has nothing to eat in it, even when it's packed with food
-you hate it when you think of a good comeback after the argument is over
-you never lose anything, you just haven't found it yet
-you hate hearing your voice in recordings.
This is totally me!

Put this on your page if you still have your first horse!