Welcome to On the Rocks Ranch!* 
My name is Cricket, I'm married, 20, and work as a foreman on a horse ranch.
I am a returning player to this game after loving it as a young teen and it's just like I remember! :)
*if someone else already has this name taken on Howrse please let me know. I do not want to steal anyone's ideas I just like naming my horses after beverages*
My focus this game is:
- The Lustiano breed for show and competitions
- Draft horse breeds for personal collection
- Collecting horses to match the ones I have in my RDR2 video game
- Own a least one Divine
About Me
I am 20 year old woman in the Lone Star State and I work as the foreman on a trail horse ranch. We breed and train Tennessee Walkers as trail mounts. It's a lot of work but a lot of fun! These days, I'm pregnant with our first child (a baby girl!) so I've been spending less time in the barn and more time in the office... playing Howrse!
My husband and I have three dogs that have been like babies to us, they are Shiba inu mix Honeybee (7 years), blue heeler mix Cricket (2), and mini Aussie mix Dunkin' (1). Dunkin' is the smol boi in my avatar! He's our little ray of sunshine every day.
Thanks for checking out my page! I'll update it as we go along! Send me a PM for any questions or offers on horses you would like to sell!