Welcome player!

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Hi! My name is Lilith, I am 22 and currently a student at uni. 
I played on this game when I was like 13 years old but I forgot the credentials to my old account and it has probably been disabled.
So since I've remembered about this game I created a new account.
I must admit though that I am not a very constant player and I can leave for very long hiatuses.
On the 3rd of October the wandering horse Conductor has visited my stables!


I always had some "rules" when it came to in game interactions:

  1. I am an adult player, please do not interact with me on a personal level if you are a minor, I will do only chit-chat about the game but nothing else. If you try to be inappropriate or anything else I will block you

  2. I accept all friend requests

  3. When it comes to horses or items, please don't beg for them. I can come to an agreement in selling them but no begging for things

  4. I don't swap horses/objects

  5. If I find horses withg inappropriate name I will report you.

On sale!

Helyka-Argentinian Criollo F (Gen.14145.6-Skills 615.5-8m)
