I will buy any horse for 3000 equus, just reserve it. No need to Pm me, thank you!

A poem I wrote 
The old oak
The leaves danced to the ground as the wind played
The little girl had no care in the world
All she saw were birds singing and flowers blooming
All the innocence that came with childhood had deemed her free
The young woman sat in the tree
The very one she had played under when she was young
And thought of days gone by of the freedom she once had
Gone was the innocence of childhood and in the responsibilities of a young adult
Now we see a young man, ring in hand and a shocked pretty lady
They sat in a tree and etched in their names while recounting days gone by
Again we meet this pretty woman, this time baby in arm
A house had rose on the hill nearby where this child was born
Soon a young boy does play under the old oaks arms
All he saw were birds singing and flowers blooming
All his childhood innocence deemed him free
His mother watched him play and remembered her childhood
Now a young man he was with a young lady a new ring on her hand
A middle aged woman sat on a chair in her now full house
For her son was to have a little girl this coming summer
A young girl played under a tree, She had not a care in the world
All she saw were birds singing and flowers blooming
All the innocence of childhood had deemed her free
The dirt under the tree sat disturbed as the morning dew rested on it
Roses sat on the grave of the girl we first saw playing under this tree
This girl now an old woman had passed away after a full life and was buried at her favorite spot
Next to follow was her beloved, buried right next to her for all of eternity
Together forever lay the sweet old couple, above them played their children's children
They had not a care in the world All they saw were the birds singing and the flowers blooming
All their childhood innocence had deemed them free
https://www.howrse.com/elevage/fiche/?id=56763829 https://www.howrse.com/elevage/fiche/?id=58140779&message=caresse-xanthos