“I thought maybe you could love me like you used to.

Even though I'm... different.

But you changed too.

So here's to the new us.”
˗ˏˋ About ´ˎ˗

adult player. she/hers. My primary focuses on here will always be my friends and my teams. If I enter over you in comps, please feel free to message me and I will be happy to fill you out. Thank you to my wonderful and insanely talented friend Néftis for this beautiful layout <3

˗ˏˋ TEAMS ´ˎ˗

I am currently a member of Eclipse (Lusitanos), Dauntless Reborn (Vanners), and The Four Horsemen (Selles). I admin Fallen Angels, the top French Trotter team on the international server as well as its companion Peruvian Paso team.

Our team Ƒᴀʟʟєɳ Aɳɢєʟѕ‎ will always be my passion and priority. French Trotters are the best breed for the Tuesday trot prix. Our companion team for Peruvian Pasos presents great options for fountain holders. Feel free to message me for any inquiries regarding skillers, preps, or recruitment. Click on the team name to check out our page!