Hello, all! Frankly, I have no idea how many times I have had to remake an account because it's been deleted due to inactivity, but my go-to username used to be beautifulhorse12 (because I was like, 12 when I made my first account I think?). I have adapted since then. I don't remember who all was on my friends list for any account under my previous username, nor do I remember all the horses. Here is what I do remember from my last beautifulhorse12 account:
-My original, immortal horses were two liver chestnut Arabian horses, named Belle (who had a golden apple coat) and Zver' (the pronunciation guide for the Russian word for "Beast"). I cannot remember how many Arabians I bred with that pair, but it was at least 12.
-I had at least 100 horses and quite frankly there were too many different breeds to keep track of
-There were some Mustangs, Marwaris, Knabstrups, Lusitanos, Selle Francais, Fjords, Akal-Tekes, Nokotas, Curlies, and several other rarer breeds
-I purchased one black Marwari male who I offered many coverings with and I wish I remembered what I named him
-I'm 90% sure I had a quarter horse pegasusĀ
-I had several Percherons, Shires, and Drum horses
-I had one of each Donkey coat
-I had two reindeer (pretty sure it was Donner and Cupid)
(On my very first beautifulhorse12 account I had a Mars horse and I'm still upset about losing him.)
Hopefully I'll be able to log on often enough that this account won't be deleted due to inactivity.