How ever you got here - Hello,
I'm 22 years old and studying medicine in the 11. semester.
So this is the reason I dont always have time for Howrse.
I'm in the process of building up a little during my little free time here, but I'm still relatively new here on this version.
If you're as bored as I am, or you want something from me,
just write me a PM, I am always happy about some messages.

By the way, if you are really interested in a covering or horse, just send a PM with a price suggestion - I don't bite

Joooaaa ähhh, I think that's everthing I have to say by now ^^
If you want to get rid of horses because you close your account, you are welcome to put them in my RV for 500 Equus and they will get a home with me. If you agree they will get your nickname as name.
Always searching for cheap Uni-Girls to join my collection.