New player (under 125 days)?   Send me a message- I am selling several horses at a discount to new players! NB: This will be much easier with private sales enabled

Taking offers for:
~ grαnd αdmírαl ~ Selles: GPs up to 17825, available with BMIs and at 6, 18 or 30 months-some 100 BLUP horses with rosettes available
Rosettes: see sales
Rosette Fillers: see sales
Bolded: see sales
Water Element: 16k+ TB 
Rare Affixes: Only horse on affix, 1 of 4 Left, 1 of 5, 1 of 7
Unicorns: Stallions-send me a PM

Hello all!
I hope you are enjoying Howrse. I do use messages, but be aware I am an adult player

Feel free to send me offers for any horses in my 'Inactive' tab, even if they aren't currently listed as being for sale. I may not currently want to sell some of them, but I may, and if not, I'll keep you in mind for when I do.

NIB (Foundies and 1st Gen, links under construction)
Looking for a foundie? I have Selles (F1 F2 M1 M2), Finnish horses (F1 F2 F3 M1 M2 M3), French Trotters (F1 F2 M1 M2), Belgian ponies (F1 F2 M1 M2),  an Akhal-Teke uni male, Camarague male (1 2), a Connomera male (1 2), Curly male (2), a Barb Male, a Holsteiner male, a Newfoundland male and female, a Paint male (2), Trakehner male, a Vanner male and a Welsh male available
Selling foundies? Let me know. I am trying to collect a pair in ever breed, and especially Appaloosas
Want a G1 foal? I take orders in the following breeds: Appaloosa, Arabian, Belgian Pony, Finnish, French Trotter, Holsteiner, Newfoundlands, Newfoundland Unis, Marwaris, Mangalarga Marchadors, Mustangs, Morgans, PSH, PSH Unis, Selle, Selle Unis (M1 M2), Standardbred, Thoroughbred, Quarter Horse, Percheron (F1 M1), Drum unis, and Horned Donkeys.

Negative GP Crosses
Looking for horses with negative GP? Let me know! I have males and females of all ages!

**I am willing to take passes in place of Equus, PM me**
*Coverings available from all personal stallions by request*