Hi Everyone!I'm Zederayko - I played this game many years ago, under the same user, before deleting my account. I am 17 currently.
If you're wondering anything about me - ask!
My horses have all been named for characters in books I've liked.
Rebecca & Maxim & Beatrice & Jack & Mrs. De Winter - After the book "Rebecca"
Jane - "Jane Eyre"
Tess - "Tess of the d'Urbervilles"
Esther - "The Bell Jar"
Pip & Estella - "Great Expectations"
Master & Margarita & Azazello & Behemoth & Woland - "Master and Margarita"
Winston - "1984"
Jay & Daisy - "The Great Gatsby"
Chichikov - "Dead Souls"
Gregor - "The Metamorphosis"
Dorian - "The Picture Of Dorian Gray"
Ron & Harry & Fleur - "Harry Potter"
Dimmesdale & Chillingworth - "The Scarlet Letter"
Jeckyll & Hyde - "Jeckyll & Hyde"
Spade - "The Case of The Maltese Falcon"
Murdoch & Crabtree - "Murdoch Mysteries"
Mr. Ripely - "The Talented Mr. Ripely"
Jem & Atticus & Boo Radley - "To Kill A Mockingbird"
I swear I'm not a nerd... but then again that's not a bad thing! 
If you need a book recommendation I'm good with that.
