**** Currently looking for some colored tack, specifically purple and green saddle pads. Willing to trade items/$! Please let me know if you have anything! ****
I am a returning player who has way too much time on her hands! I have been playing on and off since 2010!
I am a stay at home mom of 2 little ones and since the days kind of all blend together, this will be fun to mess around with during the day!
My husband and I breed miniature cattle and we have 2 horses, even though we are currently looking for one for our 3 year old! We have a dog, 3 cats, chickens, geese, ducks, pet fish, and goldfish that live in our stock tank and eat the algae. We live in a beautiful rural part of Idaho. We both grew up ranching, hunting, fishing, and camping. We're just a couple of Idaho country kids.
My goal with the game is to just have fun with it! I enjoy breeding high skilled horses, but I definitely don't run it like a business. I really admire the folks that do! I also have interest in maintaining some NIB lines. I guess the best way to describe my game play is that I like to treat it similar to real life. And I don't play the events for the big prizes, I just enjoy the small gifts along the way. I do occasionally spend real $ on my play, but again, it's just more about having something to do that is fun and relaxing!
** I am looking for a purebred NIB Knab stud to breed one of my mares to, so if you have one or know someone who does please reach out to me! I am looking mainly for 100% BLUP, but other stuff doesn't matter. **
I am focusing mainly on raising horses for classical competitions, but down the road I may branch into some breeds for Western comps.
The breeds I am focusing on right now:
Selle Francais
** There are a couple of randos in there, a Friesian for the coat trophy, and an Icelandic because she's a uni. **
I accept all friend requests! I am over 21 so make sure it's cool with your parents first. I love to help, and even though I have a low level of seniority, I do have a lot of experience!