Welcome Everyone! My name is Ashlyn!
Adult Player
I'm new to Howrse but not new to gaming. I only have a handful of horses so far but I am having great fun and it is my hope to make many friends and breed wonderful, pureblood Marwari horses. I also have a few other favorite breeds, Arabian and Shire most of all, and you will see these breeds up for Auction from time to time.
It is my goal to offer affordable boarding and well as affordable horses through Auction and Direct Buy.
My horses love to compete professionally, so check out their scores if you please.
I am courting ~Majestic Gold~ as my team alliance.
This is the only team I am considering.
Star Sign: Taurus
Favorite Dessert: Ice Cream
Favorite Horse Breed: Marwari
Favorite Flower: White Rose